Debt Recovery
Derbyshire FA Debt Recovery Scheme
Unfortunately sometimes, players leave clubs owing money. Clubs also sometimes disband before the end of a season, resulting in a possible league fine for not fulfilling their season.
Clubs and leagues who are owed money can, in certain situations, come to Derbyshire FA to request a suspension be placed on people who owe money.
Please follow the process below when making an application to this scheme.If you wish to make an application to the debt recovery scheme please complete the Debt Recovery Application Covering Letter and the correct debtor details form.
Debt Recovery Application covering letter
debt recovery debtor details - clubs
Debt recovery debtor details - leagues
Stage 1
Club or League gives notice in writing to the individual or club concerned with a breakdown of the debt owed. Correspondence must provide a date before which payment must be received.
Stage 2
If payment has not been received by the date stated the club may request in writing a suspension of the participant. Derbyshire FA should be approached within 28 days of formal payment being requested in writing and within 112 days of the debt being incurred.
Stage 3
A request must be made to Derbyshire FA using the debt recovery application form above. This must be completed in full and submitted electronically to
Stage 4
Suspension notice sent to participant, including administration fee.
Stage 5
Payment sent to County Association or appeal requested within 21 days from date suspension notice was issued. If no payment is received or appeal requested on the 22nd day following suspension notice being issued then participant is suspended from all football activities until the debt is cleared.
Get In Touch
Jack Wagstaff | Football Operations Officer (Discipline)
Phone: 01332 361422