FA Coach Mentoring Programme
The FA Coach Mentoring programme is a major investment in the grassroots game and offers on-the-ground support to all grassroots clubs and coaches across the country. The programme is now into its fifth season and has supported 35,000 coaches across the country.
Derbyshire County FA are now encouraging Football Clubs across Derbyshire to submit an application form to be part of the FA Coach Mentoring programme throughout the 2018/19 season. Successful Clubs will have access to one of the FA Coach Mentors in Derbyshire.
Mentoring support at a club could include:
• Developing a whole club philosophy
• Group coaching demonstrations
• 1:1 coaching, match-day observation and support
• Signposting to relevant courses and events
• Needs analysis for individual coaches
• Modelling of coaching sessions for individual coaches
• Individual feedback
• An individual learning programme
The benefits of the programme to coaches:
• Observation and support of sessions.
• Training and match-day support and feedback.
• Individual action plans – learning programmes.
• Support for developing players across the ‘four corners’.
• Support for structuring sessions to meet the needs/expectations of different players.
• Support for integrating coach education content.
• Re-validation of qualifications.
Expectations of the club and its coaches:
• Nominate at least one key contact who will work with the FA Coach Mentor to develop the programme at the club.
• Ensure all coaches are members of the FA Licensed Coaches Club. .
• Be receptive to new ideas/methodologies.
• Commit to keeping a reflective diary of session delivery.
• Attend at least one County FA CPD event relevant to the needs of the coach, and appropriate to the age group he/she coaches.
• Identify and appoint at least one candidate to attend FA Mentoring Adults Course and become lead mentor within the club to ensure a sustainable ‘legacy’ programme is in place once the Coach Mentor’s initial support concludes.
Any interested Derbyshire Football Clubs are asked to complete an application form which can be downloaded below by Friday 11th May. All applications will be assessed and successful clubs will be notified and also invited to a Club Mentor Introduction evening in June(Details to be confirmed). For more information about the FA Coach Mentoring programme please contact Liam Rooney, Football Development Officer at Derbyshire County FA on 01332 361422 or email liam.rooney@derbyshirefa.com.