Independent Discipline Panel Member – Recruitment

We are looking to recruit volunteers to join our discipline panels.

Independent Discipline Panel Member


Derbyshire County FA are looking to appoint members to join an independent pool of volunteers to sit on discipline hearings.

Independent panel members do not have to have any footballing experience, but an interest in the game and an understanding of regulatory processes is beneficial. Independent panel members can be active football participants (playing, coaching refereeing etc.), but must be independent from the County FA and The FA.

The Disciplinary Hearing Process:

Members of the Independent Discipline Panel will form part of Discipline Commissions that adjudicate on misconduct charges, issued against participants for breaches of FA rules and regulations. Individuals/Clubs charged with misconduct can choose to have their case heard either in person or by correspondence. Cases heard at a personal hearing will require Association Witnesses (e.g. the referee) to attend, as well as the individual charged and any witnesses they choose to bring. Correspondence cases are heard on the paperwork available and usually held electronically.

Responsibilities and Requirements of Independent Panel Members:

  • To attend and/or complete training as required. This may be an online resource, or an evening or daytime session and all panel members will be required to complete an online assessment .
  • To complete a Safeguarding briefing to understand the roles and responsibilities that may be placed uponindividuals undertaking a role on behalf of the County FA. This will be arranged with the County FA Designated Safeguarding Officer.
  • To be available for Discipline Commissions on weekday mornings and/or evenings. Commissions are convened weekly, but panel members would not be expected to attend more than once a month.
  • To read in advance of the hearing the papers for the charge(s) and to ensure the Individual or Club charged has a fair hearing, and the opportunity to state their case.
  • To be competent and confident in assessing evidence and deciding the credibility and reliability of witnesses.
  • To follow and implement FA rules and procedures when hearing charges and making decisions.
  • To assist the Commission Chair in producing Written Reasons following a Commission when necessary.
  • To ensure discretion and confidentiality. Information may be acquired whilst undertaking this role that should remain confidential. The confidentiality agreement must be complied with, and any papers received (hard copy or electronic) must be destroyed and/or deleted as soon as practically possible following the Commission, or on completion of the Written Reasons if required.
  • To declare any conflicts of interest before hearing a charge, which could include being a player/manager who competes in the same League as the individual/team charged, a referee who officiates in the same League, or a club official with a team in the same League. If unsure, please contact the office for advice.

Joining the Team:

To express your interest in the role please complete the form on this link:

For further information please contact The Discipline Team at Derbyshire County FA on



Expressions of interest close 5pm on Friday 10th January 2020.


Open Evening at DCFA Offices, 7pm on Wednesday 15th January 2020.


Training will be provided after 31st January 2020.