

On Wednesday Dawn Heron said her goodbyes to the DCFA council members following her 18 and a half years of impeccable service to grassroots football.

On Wednesday 5th June the Derbyshire CFA board and council paid tribute to Dawn Heron, who made the decision to leave the organisation after 18 and a half years.

Dawn, who will officially finish on Friday 14th June, was presented with flowers and a gift by DCFA Chairman Frank McArdle, and Vice Chairman Alan Smith, ahead of the Derbyshire FA council meeting.

Dawn said: “After nearly two decades working at the Derbyshire County FA I have made the decision to leave the organisation.

“This has not been made lightly and I will leave with a heavy heart after working with and meeting some amazing people especially the volunteers that keep the grassroots of football  thriving.

“The list of people to thank is endless and those of you that have guided and supported me over the last 18 ½ years will know who you are.

“I wish the Derbyshire County FA every success for the future and will continue to follow the twitter feed to see all the exciting opportunities the team at the office and all the valuable volunteers will bring to ensure that the Derbyshire CFA continues to thrive and the business goes from strength to strength.”