Vacancy - Finance Director
Derbyshire County FA are inviting applications to join the Board of Directors as a Non-Executive Finance Director. We are looking for individuals with skills and experience in finance who have a passion for developing grassroots football in Derbyshire
The successful candidate for this role will be instrumental in helping the County continue to be a financially sound organisation.
Volunteering as a Board Director
This is a volunteer role in which you will be expected to attend bi-monthly Board meetings and to collaborate with Board Directors and other stakeholders in the strategic development of the organisation.
Derbyshire County FA Board
The Board of the Association is the ultimate decision-making body and accordingly exercise all the powers of the Association. The Board is responsible for setting the strategy of the Association and maintaining and demonstrating a clear division between the Board’s management and oversight role and the chief executive officer.
Role Purpose
The Finance Director is responsible for advising the board on the financial probity of the organisation through diligent accounting and financial management.
• To serve as a Director of the Association and to actively participate in its strategic management.
• To execute the responsibilities of Company Directors in accordance with the Companies Act (2006) and other relevant legislation.
• To safeguard the interests of the Membership and stakeholders of the Association.
• To fully participate in Board induction, training or development and performance monitoring.
• To work with the CEO and, where appropriate, Board Committees, to oversee the accurate, meaningful financial information for presentation and approval by the Board of Directors on a regular basis, to include:
• The Annual Report and Accounts
• Annual budget and cash flow forecasts
• Management accounts
• Monitoring information
• Other financial statements and summaries as required by the Board
• To advise the Board on investment matters.
• To chair/be a member of any finance-related committee such as a remuneration committee.
• To work with the Chair and the CEO to develop and maintain a risk register to ensure that all financial risk to the organisation is minimised.
• To oversee the production, implementation and ongoing maintenance of a Financial Procedures Manual.
• To ensure that accurate financial records are maintained and retained for statutory periods.
• To set an example in the values and behaviours adopted, acting at all times in line with the Code of Conduct agreed by the Board.
• To serve as an ex officio member of all committees.
• To perform other responsibilities as assigned by the Board.
If you would like to be considered for the role of Non-Executive Finance Director, please complete the online application form as detailed in the application pack.
Applications close at 12pm on Friday 16th April 2021.