Bazooka Goal

Derbyshire FA partner with BazookaGoal

Our affiliated members will be eligible to receive discount on small-sided goals

BazookaGoal are a leading supplier of small-sided goals around the world, used by some of the biggest professional clubs, academies and grassroots football clubs. 

Through our partnership with BazookaGoal, Derbyshire FA affiliated members will be eligible to receive a 20% discount on small-sided goals.

On the partnership, Derbyshire FA Chief Executive Officer, Ricky Stevenson, said “Playing small-sided games is an effective method for developing ball skills and game awareness due to it increasing opportunities for players to have contact with the ball. 

Playing in this format has proved to be an effective training environment for youth football players as it minimises down time and keeps young players active and involved. 

We’re delighted to now be working with BazookaGoal and offering our members exclusive discounts for goals through the partnership."

The FA have done research on the benefits of 3v3 which you can read here.

On partnering with Derbyshire FA, Mike Melvin, UK Manager from BazookaGoal, said “We are delighted to partner with Derbyshire FA.

We look forward to working with their clubs and leagues to offer some great packages on our equipment."


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