Voice of the Child
We are committed to providing a fun and safe environment.
As part of this commitment, we have an ongoing 'Voice of the Child' project, ensuring that children involved in football across the county are given regular opportunities to express what they like, dislike, want and need.
The feedback we receive is crucial to our business strategy and plays a vital role in paving the way for the work we do.
Some of our most valuable 'Voice of the Child' work has included:
- 'I wish they would just let me play', reporting safeguarding concerns poster;
- 'Safe Sid', official Derbyshire FA mascot;
- Young referee focus groups, leading to the Yellow Armband campaign;
On this page, you can see an overview of some key pieces of our 'Voice of the Child' work, along with information about how you can get involved.
Get In Touch
Jenny Blewitt | Designated Safeguarding Officer
Phone: 01332 361422
Mobile: 07507 427548